Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chatting it Up Online

Chatting it Up Online
Pamela Livingston

In "Chatting it Up Online," the Chestnut Hill Academy 3rd grade avid students chatted online with author, Ms. Mary Osborne, during class. After their teacher, Livingston, received the confirmation to their chat registration, she prepared with the technology staff. The children were excited when Ms Osborne answered their questions and "chatted" freely with Ms. Osborne and the response was much quicker as opposed to a letter.

Q1: How can using this technology affect students and staff positively?

A1: It is clear through this article that the "author chat" can provide many teachable moments for children. They are able to see how technology can be used to talk to people or getting information in such a short time. Also, this exciting experience can encourage students in their studies and foster curiosity about technology. It also can be a learning experience for the staff. Livingston mentioned they had to read a lot of information about proper chat etiquette, some of which she did not know previously. Also, using this technology, it forces the staff to collaborate and work together for the students, which is beneficial to all.

Q2: What are some possible difficulties? How can you get around those?

A2: There were a few glitches and Livingston stressed the importance of having a back up plan. It is important to let the technology help staff be a part of the project in order to provide assistance in the event of an emergency. I have seen that timeliness or being early is important so that you can figure out the glitches early on and fix them before using the chat.